Executive M.Sc. in Management der Zeppelin Universität ZU
Kompakt, wissenschaftlich fundiert, praxisrelevant | Neue Zertifikatskurse an der Zeppelin Universität Executive Education | Beyond the prompt | KI, Innovationsmanagement und Leadership (Gesundes Führen) | Setzen Sie sich mit Ihrem Wissen an die Spitze | Jetzt!
The IMD MBA is a one-year, top-ranking, personalized, and experiential learning journey with purpose. Own your career direction, develop as a leader, and get equipped to create a positive and lasting impact with the IMD MBA. Marcella Rispo, IMD – International Institute for Management Development

Stipendium: Executive M.Sc. in Management der Zeppelin Universität ZU


Advancing sustainable change - M.Sc . IN MANAGEMENT ( eMA MGMT, 90 CP) The program represents a general management education that is complemented with selected elements from other disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and practical philosophy. - By drawing on different theoretical perspectives, state of the art research results, and advanced scientific methods students are qualified to design and implement innovative solutions for the complex business challenges of the 21st century. - Within a holistic learning approach – based on interactive lectures, seminars, and projects – students are required to work on interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary topics, while being integrated in a diverse team of fellow students. - The small group-setting further supports the students to find, translate and combine information outside their own area of expertise, including knowledge from the field. - The overall goal of the program is to enable students to act and behave as “sustainable change agents” providing a valuable contribution to the transformation of their organizations, in an individually and socially responsible manner.


Engineers aspiring international leadership or project management positions

Preis in €:

Reise-Stipendium bei 27.200 € Studiengebühr

Executive M.Sc. in Management der Zeppelin Universität ZU