Kompakt, wissenschaftlich fundiert, praxisrelevant | Neue Zertifikatskurse an der Zeppelin Universität Executive Education | Beyond the prompt | KI, Innovationsmanagement und Leadership (Gesundes Führen) | Setzen Sie sich mit Ihrem Wissen an die Spitze | Jetzt!
The IMD MBA is a one-year, top-ranking, personalized, and experiential learning journey with purpose. Own your career direction, develop as a leader, and get equipped to create a positive and lasting impact with the IMD MBA. Marcella Rispo, IMD – International Institute for Management Development

Wir sind Mitglied/zertifiziert/akkreditiert:


Executive MBA | General Management

Ihr Kick-off zur Karriere im Management.

Executive MBA | Mobility Transformation

Gestalten Sie die Zukunft der Mobilität!

Executive MBA | Space Architecture

Shape and manage space on and off Earth

Executive MBA | Automotive Management

Lead the Automotive Industry into the future!

Executive MBA | Modern Workplace & Facility Management

Put innovative workplace & facility management into practice!
