HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Schloßplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
Master of Science in Production and Operations Management
Global Production, Digital Transformation in SCM and Logistics
Global Production, Digital Transformation in SCM and Logistics
Hector School of Management des KIT Karlsruhe
Führung und Management
76131 Karlsruhe
Program Directors POM
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Furmans, Institute for Material Handling and Logistics, KIT
Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel, Institute of Operations Research, KI
Preis in €:
36.000 EUR
Ermäßigter Preis in €:
15.000 EUR
Für VDI nachrichten Stipendiaten
In an increasingly competitive environment where the quality of a product is on an equally high level and innovations are disseminating ever faster, a key to success of business units in service and production is the efficiency of the value creating process. Participants of our Master of Science Program Production Operations Management learn to encounter the challenge of striving for global optimum of the value creating chain while maintaining local responsibility for execution, reliability and quality.
Focus Points of Production and Operations Management
- Industry 4.0: Smart factories & digitalization in production (IoT)
- Supply network management (operational/ strategic & tactical, SNP, APS, BOM)
- International production & distribution networks
- Virtual Engineering (from CAD Systems to CAx)
- Prescriptive Analytics & Operations Research: Integer/ linear/ nonlinear/ dynamic programming & finding near-optimal solutions
"Design & operation of production systems and supply chain is undergoing a change. Driven by new technology, as reflected by i4.0, and the industrial internet, and the education and experience of the past is no longer sufficient, to guide your company through the required changes. Master these with POM and aquire the necessary competences, bridging the gap between up-to-date theory and advanced technologies."
Program Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Furmans
The Master's program Production and Operations Management is splitted in 5 Engineering and 5 Management Modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a Master Thesis written in the company (9 months) and often used as a innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.
Engineering Modules
- Collaborative Engineering in Production and
Operations Management - Digital Engineering Ecosystems
- Modern Operations Management for Supply
Chain Networks - Networks of Supply & Production Systems
- Global Production and Distribution Systems
Management Modules
- Marketing & Information
- Finance & Value
- Decisions & Risk
- Innovation & Projects
- Strategy & People
Crash Course*: "Probability and Statistics" (preparatory modules)