HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Schloßplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
Master of Science in Energy Engineering and Management
Future Energy Systems and Technologies
Future Energy Systems and Technologies
Hector School of Engineering & Management des KIT Karlsruhe
Führung und Management
76131 Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Hiller, Institute of Electrical Engineering, KIT
Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel, Institute of Operations Research, KIT
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimosthenis Trimis, Engler-Bunte-Institute, KIT
Preis in €:
36.000 EUR
Ermäßigter Preis in €:
15.000 EUR
Für VDI nachrichten Stipendiaten
The energy transition is associated with many challenges, such as an increase in the efficiency of energy conversion systems based on renewable energies and their integration into future energy systems, requiring e.g. the development of capable energy storage systems and an intelligent demand side management. Our Master´s program in Energy Engineering and Management provides a comprehensive understanding of present and future energy systems, and the complex interactions of their elements. Graduates are able to analyze and optimize the energy systems' operating efficiency, availability, and safety.
Focus Points of Energy Engineering and Management
- Power Generation (Solar, Thermal, Wind, Biomass, Gas, Coal)
- Energy Storage (Batteries, Thermal, Hydrogen, Fuel)
- Smart Grids & Buildings
- Power-to-X & X-to-Power
"The implementation of a sustainable energy system requires connected methods and models that provide companies, politics and society with the necessary basis for making scientifically sound decisions on the design of the energy system transformation. „Energy Engineering and Management“ enables the students to play an active role in this transition process"
Program Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Hiller
The Master's program Energy Engineering and Management is divided into 5 Engineering and 5 Management modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a Master Thesis written in the company (9 months) and often used as an innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.
Engineering Modules Management Modules
- Renewables
- Thermal Energy Conversion
- Electricity Generation & Enery Storage
- Smart Networks & Energy Distribution
- Energy Economics
Management Modules
- Marketing & Information
- Finance & Value
- Decisions & Risk
- Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship (at ESADE, Barcelona)
- Strategy & People
Crash Courses*: "Selected Topics of Electrical Engineering" or "Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics", and "Probability and Statistics" (preparatory modules.