Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics and Nova School of Business & Economics

Wir sind Mitglied/zertifiziert/akkreditiert:


The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova programs are recognized as top 25 best  MBAs in Europe and additionally recognized with Triple Crown  accreditation and part of the 1% of Business Schools worldwide with this  Triple Crown status.

At the Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova we are  committed to developing your full potential to become a principled  global leader, capable of having a meaningful impact on business and  society and contributing to a better world by providing you with a  unique life-changing experience in an entrepreneurial and international  environment.

Our value proposition relies on delivering a truly  global experience, with a holistic development and an outstanding action  learning approach, in a diverse and entrepreneurial city that will make  you advance your career in a meaningful way.

The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova is a joint-venture between two top European business schools based in Lisbon – Nova SBE and CATÓLICA-LISBON, ranked in the top 22 European Business Schools by the Financial Times ranking 2024. It is provided in collaboration with MIT Sloan, 6th best MBA in the World. The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova programs are recognized as top 25 best MBAs in Europe and additionally recognized with Triple Crown accreditation and part of the 1% of Business Schools worldwide with this Triple Crown status.

In the Lisbon MBA we offer an International full time 1 year MBA and an Executive 20 months part time MBA, both in campus.

The students who graduate receive a diploma of The Lisbon MBA Catolica |Nova, 2 leading European business schools, Nova SBE and CATOLICA LISBON, as well as a certificate for the programme in MIT Sloan, being part of 4 alumni communities for life long learning and connections with over 40 k alumni around the world.

MIT Immersion

#6 best MBA in the world (FT Global MBA 2025)

The  Lisbon MBA is the only MBA in Europe that offers an immersion program  at MIT Sloan School of Management. Our long-lasting partnership with MIT  provides our students with an unparalleled opportunity to learn with  the best professors in the world in the fields of entrepreneurship and  innovation.

MIT Sloan - Ideas Made To Matter

The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to  generate ideas that advance management practice and prepare principled,  innovative leaders who improve the world. With this intention, MIT’s  founders were promoting, above all, that education was for practical  application.

At MIT Sloan, innovation is essential, whether  through the design of new approaches to business, developing new models  to transform markets, fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems around the  globe, or bringing new ideas to market through the creation of new  ventures.

During the MIT immersion, students will enhance their  ability to think creatively about complex situations, respond swiftly  and strategically to business challenges (individually and in groups),  while being immersed in the MIT entrepreneurial ecosystem.

An unforgettable learning experience

As a student of the Lisbon MBA, you will have the  opportunity to immerse yourself in courses and campus life at MIT Sloan  (the immersion period is one month for the International MBA and one  week for the EMBA). You will have access to MIT’s professors, prolific  libraries and learning centers, while pursuing courses with top-notch  faculty in areas such as Entrepreneurship, Managing Technological  Innovation, Alphanomics: the Informational Underpinning of Markets  Efficiency and Digital Business Models, among others.

Be an MIT Affiliate

Graduates of the Lisbon MBA are entitled to Affiliate Status in the MIT Sloan Alumni Association.  By being featured in the MIT Sloan Alumni Directory, you will have  access to an ever-growing network of business leaders and entrepreneurs  around the world. You will be able to register for MIT Sloan club events, join discussion groups, have a e-mail for life, and receive the MIT Sloan Alumni e-newsletter.

The  Affiliate status reflects the growing integration of the Lisbon MBA  Católica | Nova programs into the MIT Sloan community. You become part of the family.